Setting of lights is a service that consists of a 7 day candle dressed with the appropriate roots, dirts, herbs, petitions, items, powders and oils which is prayed over and worked daily with my spirits until its conclusion. You will receive pics at the start and the end along with a report of how spirit received the work IE: if all is well, if theres a block in the work exce. *you must include valid email address to receive images and report*
*You MUST include a messege/note with purchse with the clients full legal name, date of birth and name of the business* (if you can include a pic of business card that is helpful for better sucess of the work)
Better Business
This work is for giving a boost to business whatever it may be. Do you own your own business either online or brick & mortar, have a job that is sales or commission based, sell things online or in real life or have a membership based business? Then this work is for you! Draw those customers like a magnet and listen to that register ring!
*This item is a Service, not a physical product you will recieve
*sold as a curio and for entertainment purposes only
Business Setting
This was great because she saw my business doing well and ever since the setting of lights, I feel like it's doing better than well... it's doing GREAT !